The Clark Howard Podcast

The Clark Howard Podcast

Clark Howard

Save more and spend less is more than just a motto for money expert Clark Howard; it’s a way of life. Clark and his crew — Team Clark — are on a mission to empower people to take control of their personal finances by providing money-saving tips, consumer advice, hot deals and economic news to help everyone achieve financial freedom. Clark is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host and a consumer reporter for television stations around the country. His podcast, The Clark Howard Show, receives more than one million downloads each month and is a hub for listeners to get valuable advice on-demand any time. Clark answers questions on the most popular business and consumer topics including; how to buy a cars, financing a home, retirement planning, shopping for insurance and getting the most out of your savings. Join the conversation and submit your question to . Clark spearheads two free resources — and — to encourage consumers to save more, spend less and avoid ripoffs.

Kategorie: Biznes

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Friday - Clark Stinks day! Christa shares Clark Stinks posts with Clark. Submit yours at Also, news for first time homebuyers that changes Clark’s long time advice.  Clark Stinks: Segments 1 & 2 Buying A New Vs Used Home: Segment 3 Ask Clark: Segment 4 Mentioned on the show: What Does Escrow (in Escrow) Mean, and How Does It Work? What Clark Says You Should Do With Your I Bonds This Year New rules could reshape homebuying. Here’s what it means for you. - CELL PHONES Best Phone Plans: Get Exactly What You Want at the Cheapest Price Phone Plan Finder – Find the Best Plan For You - Zelle scams prompt federal probe into whether banks are doing enough to protect customers Online Defensive Driving Course From AARP Driver Safety Defensive Driving Courses & Traffic School | DriveSafe Online® New homes are getting smaller. That could be big news for first-time buyers Axios: New houses now cost less per square foot than old houses Axios: End of hallways Should You Respond to Class-Action Lawsuits? What Is an ETF? Axios: How action against hidden junk fees affects your wallet resources Episode transcripts daily money newsletter Consumer Action Center Free Helpline: 636-492-5275 Learn more about your ad choices: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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